Service organizations launch efforts to assist community during COVID-19 crisis

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United WayIn times of need, service organizations often rise to the occasion to provide aid to the community.

Lake Area United Way

Lake Area United Way has launched the COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund to provide resources to support emerging needs due to the virus pandemic.

The Lake Area COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund was launched on March 18. Lake Area United Way and a coalition of partners are working with the human services sector to identify immediate needs and make emergency funds available to organizations working directly with vulnerable populations.

All donations will be matched dollar for dollar by a grant from Indiana United Ways.

Lake Area United Way also has worked with other service organizations to launch an online resource through Charity Tracker, a web-based case management system,, which provides links to various resources to assist residents during the crisis.

United Way of Porter County

United Way of Porter County has compiled a regional resource guide for residents and volunteers to utilize during the coronavirus social distancing protocol. It also has created the Coronavirus Pandemic Relief Fund.

The online guide directs residents to government, health, education and social services websites and features information about coronavirus quarantine, childcare resources, food resources, financial assistance services, e-learning topics and more.

“We wanted to make sure residents had a one-stop shop available to them during these trying times,” said Kim Olesker, president and CEO of United Way of Porter County. “It’s hard to know where to get information if you’d never needed it before.”

Salvation Army of Lake County

The Salvation Army of Lake County is implementing measures to respond to the needs of the county’s most vulnerable.

The Salvation Army has expanded child care hours. The Gary-Merrillville Corps Community Center is now providing these services – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Hammond-Munster Corps Community Center – Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Salvation Army of Lake County’s East Chicago Corps Community Center is now serving its weekday hot lunches from a Mobile Canteen vehicle provided by The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services. In addition, the East Chicago Food Pantry will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Hammond-Munster Corps Community Center has extended its food pantry hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; the Gary-Merrillville Corps Community Center is providing assistance with food and hygiene kits Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  • Larry Avila
    Larry is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience working with daily newspapers and business-to-business publications around the Midwest. Avila is a Michigan native and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
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