Calumet College of St. Joseph breaks ground on $4.8 million dorm project

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Calumet College
University and community leaders break ground on the first residential dorm to be built on the campus Calumet College of St. Joseph (Photo submitted by CCSJ).

A long-time request by students of Calumet College of St. Joseph has been granted.

University officials were joined by community leaders Oct. 1 for a ceremonial groundbreaking for the college’s first campus residence hall. The project calls for constructing a three-story, 16,500 square-foot building, featuring 20 beds per floor and three resident assistant suites.

The college, which has a Whiting address but is in Hammond, said the rooms will be traditional dorm-style living units with student lounge space integrated in the first and second floors. The building will be designed to blend with existing college architecture and building styles.

“Seventy years ago, Saint Joseph College-Calumet Campus (now CCSJ) started classes in the area serving traditional and adult students,” said Amy McCormack, college president in a post on the university’s website. “Nearly 50 years ago, CCSJ became independent and began expanding programs and degrees to serve the Calumet region.”

She said 20 years ago, CCSJ started athletics. College officials said housing has long been noted as a need by students.

“These were transformational times for the college,” McCormack said. “We embark on another transformational time as we add on-campus housing to meet the needs of students that want a residential experience.”

Calumet College dorm
This rendering shows the first residential dorm for Calumet College of St. Joseph. (Photo submitted by CCSJ).

McCormack said the college, which had a fall 2020 enrollment of 556 undergraduate students, is grateful for the collaborative efforts with the Hammond Redevelopment Commission and the city of Hammond to make a project long in the planning finally come to fruition.

Hammond Mayor Tom McDermott said the city is excited to partner with the college on its dorm project.

“Cal College continues to be an important part of the fabric of our community and a strong Cal College means a stronger Hammond,” McDermott said.

The dorm is scheduled to open in August 2022.


  • Larry Avila
    Larry is an award-winning journalist with more than 25 years of experience working with daily newspapers and business-to-business publications around the Midwest. Avila is a Michigan native and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
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