South Bend looks to rehab Chase Tower

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SOUTH BEND – City officials in South Bend are considering a plan to spend $5.5 million to rehabilitate the city’s tallest building, the 25-story Chase Tower.

The building is in need of repair in order for it to remain economically viable and play a role in downtown South Bend’s future, according to a resolution before the Common Council.

Ken Herceg, president of Herceg & Associates, an engineering firm which has an office in the tower, is pushing a public-private partnership for the building. The building has been in receivership since February.

The condition of the building, said Herceg, is so bad that several tenants have moved out.

The building is 39 years old and is currently owned by Huntington National Bank, which is owed $7.2 million from previous owner Dillingham Hill Real Estate.





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