Local Business Unites with Women’s Diagnostic Center

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Northwest Indiana Business News LogoMUNSTER – As part of their mission to give back to the community and spread goodwill, Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning owners Tom and Sue Krygsheld held their annual October fundraiser, setting aside a portion of the proceeds from the business’ service calls to help women benefit from early detection of breast cancer.

On behalf of the company’s fundraising efforts, St. John’s Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning general manager Kevin Frump and installation manager Dan Krygsheld presented a $1,815 check to Mary Nicholson, MD, medical director of Community Hospital’s Women’s Diagnostic Center in Munster. The donation is earmarked for patients without insurance who need diagnostic imaging.

“We are grateful for this generous donation that will aid in providing diagnostic imaging for those who may not receive care otherwise,” said Nicholson. “Breast cancer detected at early stages is more easily treatable, with better chances of positive outcomes. Thanks to partners such as Illiana Heating & Air Conditioning, we are able to serve many more women with the care they need.”

Breast cancer is a disease that can be diagnosed early through routine mammography. The Women’s Diagnostic Center of Community Hospital offers 3D digital mammography with same day results. With technological advances and coordination between area physicians, women can generally begin treatment for breast cancer within 10 days of diagnosis.

Since 2011, the Krygshelds have provided donations to the Women’s Diagnostic Center as a result of their October fundraiser. Diagnostic imaging has been made available to women with that funding and more than one has turned out to be positive for breast cancer – providing care where there wouldn’t have been an opportunity otherwise.

Learn more about the Women’s Diagnostic Center and advances in women’s care at www.comhs.org.


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